
The Benefits of Camphor Oil

Camphor is originally from China and Japan. Today you can find this tree in locations like Argentina, Egypt, Brazil, Southern Europe, the U.S. and Madagascar. This tree has been known to grow taller than 100 feet. The leaves of the camphor tree are red and will turn a dark green as the tree ages. It will produce pale small flowers with crimson red berries.

The bark of the tree is generally steamed and will produce a white, crystal substance that has a very strong aroma. This substance was once thought to be magical, but has since proven to have very good medicinal properties.

The camphor tree will grow very slowly. The Chinese contend that the oils should only be taken from trees that are older than fifty years old. We have held with that theory in the United States and only take the bark and leaves from the trees that are the oldest. Today much of the camphor that is used comes from a synthetic production.

It was in the thirteenth century that explorer Marco Polo discovered the high value that the Chinese placed on camphor oil. He further found that the oil was used for its scent, in medicines and as an embalming fluid. The name camphor, which is Spanish, comes from the Arab words for the tree, which is 'al kafur.' In India the camphor oil is used extensively to make the heart strong and to ease pain. It is also used in the treatment of asthma.

The oil is often added to vaporizers to help a cough. The oil can also be added to a cream that is used on the chest to help relieve congestion.

Camphor has been shown to offer relief from arthritis, back pain and neuralgia. The way that camphor works is that when it is rubbed into the skin it stimulates the nerves; this minimizes the pain message that the nerve endings send to the brain.

A study that was published in the Journal of Rheumatology in March of 2003 showed that camphor, when applied topically with a blend of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, had many long-term benefits. There is a definite reduction of the pain that is caused by osteoarthritis in the knee. The results were determined to be significant in four weeks.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Vince_Platania
By Vince Platania

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