
Essential Oils - Spearmint - A Gentle Mint for Children's Maladies

Spearmint (Mentha spicata) of course is in the mint family of botanical plants and the essential oil obtained through steam distillation of the leaves and primarily comes from Utah. The properties of this oil resemble that of peppermint but its effects are less powerful. It is better adapted to children's maladies.

Traditionally it was used by the ancient Greeks as a restorative and to scent their bathwater. The distilled water was used to relieve hiccough, colic, nausea, indigestion and flatulence. It was applied to the forehead and temples to ease pains in the head and it was good to wash the heads of young children for all manner of breaking out. Spearmint was Hildegard of Bingen's favorite mint. She used it to treat gout and to improve digestion.

How Can Spearmint Essential Oil Benefit Us Today?

We would use spearmint today much in the same way as it has been used for hundreds of years. It is an oil known to increase metabolism. It is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, mucolytic, a gallbladder stimulant and digestive aid. Spearmint is a great oil for treating obesity, intestinal/digestive disorders, and hepatitis.

Spearmint may be dilutee one part essential oil with two parts mixing oil, directly inhaled, diffused or taken as a dietary supplement. As for safety issues, spearmint essential oil is non-toxic, non-irritating and non-sensitizing. Want to learn more about the healing properties of spearmint and other essential oils? Consider becoming a certified aromatherapist. Educational courses in healing energy and aromatherapy can help you understand how essential oils heal the body/mind/spirit. The Institute of Spiritual Healing & Aromatherapy is teaching courses throughout the United States on the healing properties of essential oils including spearmint oil.


By Going to my web site: http://www.ISHAhealing.com and signing up for our free monthly newsletter, you can receive a free gift: 5 Monographs on Biblical Oils.

These oils include Frankincense, Myrrh, Cedarwood, Spikenard and Balsam Fir. While you are at our web site, check out our aromatherapy program and our program in Christian energy healing.

From Linda L. Smith, director of the Institute of Spiritual Ministry and Aromatherapy, Inc.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Linda_Lee_Smith

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